Had To Find Myself


Selena Gomez sat down with ABC Newsmakers In Conversations’ Dan Kloeffler and talked about her recent break from the Hollywood spotlight. Selena has been on a much needed break since February.

Selena revealed to the host how hard it was to take a break, her trip to Nepal, taking piano lessons, and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On how hard it was to take a break: “I have people saying ‘Have fun!’ You know, like be able to just enjoy where I am,. But I want to do a lot, though. I love what I do. I’m obsessed with what I do.”

On her trip to Nepal: “It was beautiful. It was spiritual. I never showered, ever, because I was in the field every day and it just felt like I was removed, completely, from my bubble that I live in. And it was incredible.”

On her piano lessons: “I know how to play a little bit, but you genuinely have to be confident. I’ve learned two of my songs before but I’ve just been terrified, so now I have a professional teaching me and I’m going to be amazing.”

Hopefully, she incorporates her piano playing into her shows! I would love to see that! You can watch her full video here!

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