Little Stop You


Selena Gomez sat down with Collider to talk about her new film, Rudderless. Rudderless was released to theaters yesterday, October 17.

In the interview, Selena talks how she got the role in the film, Hotel Transylvania 2, her music career, and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On getting the role: “Bill [Macy] actually saw my performance in Spring Breakers, so they sent the script to my team. Within the first 20 pages, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it, just simply because I always want to push myself, even though I’m not in the entire thing. My friend Taylor says, ‘If you’re the smartest person in the entire room, you’re in the wrong room.” As an actress, I just want to be a sponge.

I respect Felicity [Huffman] as a woman in the industry, and I think her and Bill are such great examples. And I had a huge crush on Billy [Crudup] because of Almost Famous. Honestly, it was really a dream come true. Shooting it was extremely emotional, and that element of it was interesting. I had felt what she was feeling because I’m her age. I know that dealing with your emotions right now is so awkward because you’re not quite sure. So, there’s all this stuff happening, and then you add a tragedy that I literally couldn’t imagine. It was pretty heavy, but I think she was an important part of telling that story.”

On Hotel Transylvania 2: “I’ve recorded a little bit of it. It’s not all done, so I have to do more recording with Andy [Samberg] soon, which I’m super excited about. But as of now, we’re just putting it down and seeing what happens. There’s a few things that they’re fixing, so we’ll see.”

On her music: “Yes, that’s coming up. There are a few surprises within that world. Music is extremely therapeutic for me. This year I got to go in and be a part of my music, even if it didn’t go anywhere. Music has been in my life this whole year, and there is some stuff coming that I’m excited to share with people, but I’ve kept it very, very under wraps. That next phase needs to be growth. I apply that in everything I do. My clothing line just ended with K-Mart. I started the line at 16, and that was for 16-year-olds, and now I’m 22. There’s a lot of transition for me. I’m just trying to figure out what’s best for me.”

To read the full interview click here. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us!

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