Have You Ever Wondered


Nick Jonas is featured in the latest issue of Wonderland magazine. The young singer is in the issue to promote his new album, Nick Jonas. Highlights from the interview are below.

On how each song has a different sound on the album: “I think it was about collecting the best songs. At the core, vocally, I feel like it all is consistent and has the same elements, that soul-pop-R&B thing. It’s about building on that and creating this sound that is me.”

On how to not reveal too much in songs: “I think you know the limits. You know what’s too much and when you’re saying too much or giving too much away. It’s about trying to set up those guidelines before hand so you don’t make yourself uncomfortable.”

On whether or not he meant for the album to sound more mature: “That was the goal that I’d set out to do. But, you know, if people feel that from it then by all means why not, it’s a good thing. I mean I’m a 22-year-old guy and the sexiness of this record is kind of real to the stage of my life that I’m in.”

You can check out more from his feature here. Nick’s new album will be released on November 11!

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