Shailene Woodley Covers ELLE Magazine


Shailene Woodley is on the cover of ELLE! The Divergent Series: Insurgent star is on the cover of the magazine’s April issue.

In the issue, Shailene talks being in love, her grandmother, her family, The Divergent Series: Insurgent and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On being in love: “When you’re truly in love, for me, it’s…you’re my lighthouse! You’re somebody who holds me high, keeps me safe, you’ve got my f–kin’ back…You also love me whole, wild, and free. You let me do me, and I’m gonna let you do you! And I’ll be the home that you return to.”

On her grandmother: “One day I was having one of my teenage crises, when you think everything’s falling apart—your estrogen and progesterone are freaking out. And she said, ‘Shai, the most important thing in life is self-love. You’ve gotta take care of yourself. You’ve got to take care of yourself, and you gotta live from your deep heart.’ For some reason, her saying the words deep heart just always stuck with me.

And I was like, ‘Well, what is a deep heart? What does it actually mean?'” Woodley recalls. “What I’ve come to determine in my life is that my deep heart is my—it’s my compassion, empathy and intuition. Because your intuition never wants to be mean to somebody. You intuitively know that another human being on this planet is hurting just as badly as you may be. The way that they express themselves could be rude or seen as douchey or whatnot. But maybe they’re scared, or had no one there to support them.”

To read her full interview make sure to pick up the issue when it hits some newsstands on March 17 and nationwide on March 24!

Source: ELLE


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