Nick Jonas Chats with Cosmopolitan


Nick Jonas met up with Cosmopolitan right before his Samsung performance in Los Angeles this past Saturday, May 9. The magazine chatted with Nick about his upcoming role in Scream Queens, how he deals with jealousy and so much more.

Highlights from his interview can be found below.

On how he deals with jealousy: “In my case, it was writing a song, but not everyone has that outlet. I don’t know, I think that contrary to popular opinion, I’m not a jealous person; it’s just kind of a moment that I captured. But I think the best way to deal with it is to check yourself, make sure you’re not going to the worst-case scenario. In a lot of cases, I feel like it’s in your head and not necessarily the reality.”

On Scream Queens: “It’s definitely more on the tongue-in-cheek side with elements of scariness but in no means is it a horror show. It’s got a really good sense of humor, a very specific style of comedy, and I had a great time shooting it. [Creator] Ryan Murphy is amazing.”

You can read his full interview here. He also let slip during the interview he would be announcing a tour sometime after the Billboard Music Awards on May 17. When word gets released we will let you know!

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