Nick Jonas Named Music Curator for Miss America Pageant


Nick Jonas is taking part in the Miss America Pageant. Nick will be acting as music curator for this year’s show, happening in Atlantic City, NJ on September 13.

Nick will be selecting the songs that will be used during the Swimsuit and Evening Gown competitions, as well as for the women’s opening introductions. Nick will be at the show that day to talk about his selections.

Nick was picked for the job because of his work as musical and creative director for Demi Lovato’s recent tour. Nick told press, “I was approached about being involved in the show some way, and the conversation stemmed from the work I’d done with Demi [Lovato] last year, being the music director and creative director for her tour. So it seemed like a good fit, to step out and do something different than my usual job and have some fun with it.”

I am so excited to see what he picks! What songs would you love for Nick to play during the show?

Source: Yahoo

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