Listen To Miley Cyrus’ New Song “Hands Of Love” featured In The New Movie, Freeheld

Miley Cyrus is featured on a new song for the upcoming indie, Freeheld. This new song is called “Hands Of Love” and was written by Miley’s good friend and songwriter, Linda Perry.

Miley briefly spoke about why she chose to record the vocals for this song, featured during the film’s credits. She states, “I think Ellen Page is super amazing and brave. And Julianne Moore, I told her drunkenly one night at an afterparty—I like film, but I’ve never been a fan of somebody in film or had favorite movies, but all my favorite movies that I do have, she is in. She picks amazing roles.”

Take a listen to the song above and be sure to go see Freeheld when it hits theaters in October.

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