Check Out New Photos and Interview Highlights from Taylor Swift’s GQ Issue

GQ T Swift

New photos and part of Taylor Swift’s interview with GQ Magazine have been released. Taylor is on the cover of the magazine’s November issue.

In the issue, Taylor talks what she would doing if she wasn’t a musician, if she is ever feels lonely, her friends, 1989, and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On what she would be doing if she wasn’t a musician: “I would still be involved with music in my spare time. But I would have gone to college, and I would probably be involved with a form of business where words and ideas are at the forefront. Such as marketing.”

On if she ever feels lonely: “I’m around people so much. Massive amounts of people. I do a meet-and-greet every night on the tour, and it’s 150 people. Before that, it’s a radio meet-and-greet with 40 people. After the show, it’s 30 or 40 more people.

So then when I go home and turn on the TV, and I’ve got Monica and Chandler and Ross and Rachel and Phoebe and Joey on a Friends marathon, I don’t feel lonely. I’ve just been onstage for two hours, talking to 60,000 people about my feelings. That’s so much social stimulation. When I get home, there is not one part of me that wishes I was around other people.”

You can read her full interview here. I loved the part in the interview where she talks about going home and watching friends because that is something I do too! It is the perfect way to escape from the day.

Source: GQ

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