Glamour Chats with The Flash star Candice Patton


Glamour sat down with Candice Patton in Los Angeles recently to talk about her hit CW show, The Flash. Candice stars as DC Comics star, Iris West on the show.

In the interview, Candice talked about moments that shaped her career, auditioning for Iris, tickling Grant Gustin at her Flash audition, photo shoots and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On moments that shaped her career: “I remember being interested in theater when I was in school, but I wasn’t always engaged in making it a career. I was a cheerleader in Texas, but I tore my ACL, so I was out for the rest of the season. That’s when I started putting more of my passion into theater. In college, CBS’ Young and the Restless did a nationwide casting search for a new male and female to join the show. They came to SMU and ended up picking me.

So after I finished, the casting director said, ‘We’d love for you to stay on the show, what do you think?’ I said I wanted to go back to school and finish my degree, but I’d contact her when I came back to LA. As soon as I graduated, I moved to LA and got in touch with her. She was teaching an acting class, and that’s how it started.”

On photo shoots: “I hate them. I have my insecurities, and some days you don’t want to be photographed. You notice all of your flaws even if others don’t notice them. Photo shoots also feel very vain because it’s all about you and your looks and your face.

I feel I work better on camera. Even when fans come up to me on the street for a photo, I’d almost rather go for coffee with them instead. [Laughs]. It’s the God’s honest truth! There’s an expectation that people have of you to look a certain way because you’re on TV, and I don’t look like that every day. So it can be very daunting.”

On tickling Grant Gustin at her Flash audition: “Yes. There was something about when I was reading the sides that Iris and Barry had this close relationship, and it’s hard when you’ve never met an actor before. How do you recreate that in two minutes in an audition? In that moment, the only thing I could think of to make him smile or laugh was to physically grab him and tickle him. They loved it because they thought it was really charming. That’s one of the few times it works to touch someone!”

To read the full interview click here. The interview was made possible by Candice’s fans, who came together to to tweet at Glamour about interviewing The Flash star.

Kudos to Candice’s fans for making this possible. It just shows that when a fandom comes together, in a good way, anything is possible!

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