Hailee Steinfeld Chats Taylor Swift and Sings Justin Bieber In New Interview

Hailee Steinfeld is featured in the new issue of Grazia magazine. The young actress is in the magazine to promote her new music career. Highlights from her interview are below.

On being a part of Taylor Swift’s squad: “I can absolutely assure you that each and every one of us genuinely support and love each other. I don’t know that I could be a part of anything that wasn’t real. Especially a friend group. I’m not very good at trying to be something I’m not, or hanging with people for any reason other than getting along with them.”

On not being able to settle in at school: “I was eager to meet people and I never considered myself an outsider. I never wanted to be an outsider. But I had a hard time finding someone who wanted to hang out with me. It was a very weird time.”

You can check out even more from her interview here.

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