Josh Hutcherson Chats Mockingjay – Part 2 With DuJour


Josh Hutcherson is featured in a new article for DuJour. Josh chatted with the outlet to promote his new film The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2. Highlights can be found below.

On filming some of the film in Berlin: “We were filming in Berlin, all staying in the same hotel. Most of us were on the same floor. It was an open-door policy. At any moment you were ready to cover yourself because there was some incoming nonsense from outside. Like Woody Harrelson half-naked with a towel trying to smack you.”

On how he chooses his roles: “I like to be driven by projects and stories and characters as opposed to strategic career move. We’ll see how that turns out. But I’d rather go broke and never work again instead of doing movies that I didn’t want to make because of a career path.”

On his long distance relationship: “It’s kind of cool. We’re doing this international thing. We’re young, we make it work.”

You can check out even more from his interview here. Mockingjay – Part 2 opens in theaters on November 20.

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