Supergirl 1×03 Recap- Who Am I?

The theme in this week’s episode of Supergirl was identity. Kara wanted to create an identity for Supergirl that wasn’t defined by her cousin, but as she said, “Defined by my victories and my loses.” Though this episode proved that was easier said than done.

At the end of last week’s episode, Supergirl sits down for her one on one with Cat Grant. This week we see that Supergirl’s interview with Grant does anything but create an identity for the hero. The interview focused on how Supergirl would never be anything but Superman’s cousin. Unlike Superman, Grant thinks Supergirl will end up being just like every other millennial in the world…she will go crying to her cousin when things get too tough. Now, the interview, as Kara said has a negative tone to it, but this could be a plow by Grant to get Supergirl to prove that she can be more than just Superman’s cousin.

It also doesn’t help Kara’s identity that this week’s foe comes in the form of Reactron, a man bent on revenge against Superman. Reactron decides to enact his revenge by doing everything he can to destroy Supergirl. When Kara’s team learns of this they warn her not to take on the new baddie, instead to leave him for her cousin. But Kara is determined to defeat Reactron in hopes it will help create an identity for the hero.

Kara does end up defeating Reactron, but not before being almost killed by him. She is ultimately saved by her cousin after he is called to the scene by James Olsen. However, Kara does not take the news of James calling the man in blue to save her well, leading to the pairs first fight.

The reason for the call, well it turns out Kara is not the only one facing an identity crisis. During Kara’s fight with the villain, James called on Superman to save her because that is what he has always done. Whenever he needed saving, he called on Superman to do it.

During Kara and James’ make-up dance, James revealed he is in National City because he relied to heavily on Superman. He needed to go somewhere where he could save himself, without needing the help of Superman. By the end of the episode, James proves he didn’t need to rely on Superman to save him, he just needed to rely on himself.

By the end of the episode all is right in National City. Kara has begun to create her identity as Supergirl and has come to terms with her feelings for Mr. Olsen, with a little help from her sister. She even gathers enough courage to ask the photographer out, but things are never that easy on TV. The episode ends with the introduction of James’ ex, Lucy Lane (Jenna Dewan-Tatum) and a new wrench thrown into the James/Kara mix.

The episode also introduced Peter Facinelli as Maxwell Lord. The audience got their first glimpse of him in last week’s episode, but this episode really introduced the character. Facinelli does a great job bringing a sense of smugness to Lord, but also a sense of sincerity. You can’t help but love and hate him at the same time.

All in all the episode was pretty solid. This show does a nice job of telling the episodic story as well as the overall story. Though we did not get any more information on the Fort Rozz crew, we did learn that something is definitely going on with Henshaw. You don’t just show his eyes turning red without the idea that it will be brought up again in the near future.

This episode also did a nice job of including Superman, without actually including him. He plays an important role to Kara and the show, but the writers have proven that a character can play a big part in an episode without ever having to cast the character.

Next week’s episode, we get to learn more about what has brought Lucy Lane to National City and we meet Cat Grant’s son, Carter!

One little side note….what is with all of these superhero show’s giving up the secret identities so easily?!? Everyone knows the heroes identity by episode 3. Not everyone needs to know the heroes secret identity. Let’s be real, if they can pull it off in the comics there has to be a way it can be pulled off on screen.

What did you think of the episode? Let us know in the comments!!

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