Zayn Malik Covers Billboard Magazine


Zayn Malik is on the cover of Billboard Magazine. The soon to be solo artist is on the cover of the magazine’s Volume 128 issue.

In the issue, Zayn talks about One Direction, if he will stay friends with the boys, what he looks for in a girl, his new album and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On One Direction: “I genuinely enjoyed [the band] and did whatever I could to be myself within that, but it’s just not where I sit as a musician. The other boys’ taste was generally indie rock. It’s good music, but I don’t f— with it. That was never cool where I was from.”

On staying friends with the boys: “The truth of it is you can think one thing about a situation and the total opposite can happen. I had every intention of remaining friends with everybody, but I guess certain phone numbers have changed and I haven’t received calls from a lot of people. I’ve reached out to a few of them and not got a reply. Certain people have pride issues, but it’s stuff you overcome in time.”

On what he looks for in a girl: “I need a challenge. Also, I like girls that are a bit chunky in certain areas — the nice areas. I like a fuller woman. I enjoy an intellectual conversation as well, where someone can construct a sentence beyond what hair and makeup they’re wearing, and talk about something political or about the world. I like an opinion.”

To read the full interview click here. It was also revealed in the interview that Zayn’s album will be out in the early Spring and the names of three songs found on the album were released. Those names are “BeFour,” “It’s You,” and “Wrong.”.

Under the jump you will find his behind the scenes video from the shoot!

Source: Billboard

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