Nick Jonas Chats Goat In A Brand New Interview


New details from Nick Jonas’ new film Goat have been released. Nick stars alongside Ben Schnetzer in this new indie that takes the viewers inside the world of fraternities.

According to Nick, “the film, at its core, is really about a lot of things, but especially this idea of brotherhood and masculinity. It’s the desire to feel accepted by these young men — and the lengths they’re willing to go to.”

Nick goes onto say, “It’s an interesting dynamic, for sure, and it’s something I obviously relate to in a big way. I have my real blood brothers, but we also had the same band and management team for years, and that bond, that brotherhood, is within that as well. There’s a camaraderie there, and it’s been a big theme in my life.”

You can check out more details about the movie here. Nick’s film will premiere tomorrow, January 22, at the Sundance Film Festival!

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