Demi Lovato Clarifies Instagram Shade?


Demi Lovato took to her Instagram today, February 22, to further clarify her comments earlier this week regarding support for Kesha. Kesha lost a legal battle last week to break from her contract with Sony so she wouldn’t have to work with her alleged rapist, Dr. Luke.

Demi commented on her Instagram post (above) to share, “As most people know, I tend to get fired up about the things I believe in, and although my heart and intentions are always in the right place, unfortunately sometimes my passion gets the best of me and causes me to say things that I probably shouldn’t say. And when doing so it takes away from the real reason I am speaking up in the first place. Our focus should be on the topic of victims of sexual and physical abuse being afraid to come forward with their stories. They’re more likely to face retaliation and harassment than to see justice being served. Especially women. It baffles me that when it comes to serious issues like equality and abuse, too often women are not taken as seriously as men. All I want to see is women coming together and actually making a difference. A real change and shift in society. Everyone has their own way of giving support to others , and at the end of the day, helping victims is all that matters. Ultimately, the message I want people to hear is it’s okay to come forward with your abuse and if you do decide to take action, you are not alone.”

To catch up on Demi’s earlier Instagram comments go HERE.

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