Maisie Williams Covers The April Issue Of InStyle UK


Maisie Williams is on the cover of the April issue if InStyle UK. Maisie is on the cover to promote the new season of Game Of Thrones. Highlights from her interview are below.

On whether or not she has a method to meeting fans when she isn’t in the best moods: “No. Well, my friends do, if we’re on a night out. If they’re quite pissed, it’s funny. They’re like, ‘It’s not her!’ And I’m in this awkward position, since it is me. And I don’t want to upset anyone. But like I said, sometimes I’m really quiet. And so I’m stood with a fan and it’s like, silence. Sometimes they walk away and I just think, god, they’re really disappointed.”

On her boyfriend: “We’ve been together for over a year. I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious,’ she says in a silly voice. ‘He’s not famous. I met him at school. And now he’s my boyfriend!. People feel it’s strange that someone who’s famous can go out with someone who’s normal. I don’t meet anyone else. Maybe I’m doing it wrong, but I don’t go to all these parties. I don’t meet the other young, male actors. I just like normal people, I guess

You can check out a bit more from her interview here. Maisie’s issue will hit stands on March 3!

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