Rowan Blanchard Talks Social Media, Fame & More with Wonderland


Rowan Blanchard’s interview with Wonderland Magazine has been released. The star is on the cover of the magazine’s most recent issue.

In the interview, Rowan talks social media, her fame, outlash from critics and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On social media: I think social media is such a tool for people in my age group and such a tool for girls particularly. My mum started using Instagram and Twitter for me when I was like nine and, like, I had followers but I didn’t really know anything. I only started using Instagram and Twitter myself when I turned 12.

I feel like that’s where I started finding things that affected me, particularly politics. I learned through social media that we often talk about America like it’s a totally equal place, but that’s not always the case. You think certain things happen in third-world countries or places that are really far away from where you live, but through social media I realized that things are happening right in front of me.”

On her fame: “It allows people to critique me, to take ownership of my body, of my face, of my features. I have to stop reading comments because there’s a lot of good ones but then when you see one bad one like, ‘Oh you look ugly’, that’s what’s going to stick with you.

I try to only respond to people when it’s something positive, which is difficult because a part of me really wants to call people out when they do things that are mean. But I’m trying, I guess, to restructure Instagram and Twitter to a place where, yes — you can be subject to other people’s opinions — but you can also think,‘I’m gonna use this word or image again, like a protest,’ because if you’re just continuing to do what you’re doing then people will start to realise that you’re not doing it for them.”

To read her full interview click here. I love how honest she is in all of her interview. This girl is wise beyond her years!

Source: Wonderland

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