WorkSafe BC Releases Conflicting Story on Dylan O’Brien Set Injury


WorkSafe BC has released a statement in regards to Dylan O’Brien’s injury on the set of Maze Runner: Death Curse. Dylan was injured on the set this past March and at the time we were told he was wither injured falling off a piece of the set or he was run over, but now it seems that is not what happened at all.

WorkSafe is reporting, “A worker was leaving the filming area on a motorcycle after completing a stunt sequence. The motorcycle went into a slide while turning onto a side road. The worker struck his head on the pavement and temporarily lost consciousness.” They are also saying the injuries sustained by worker were “Concussion; facial fracture and lacerations”.

Its interesting that they said the worker was hurt on a motorcycle, when other places were reporting he fell off the piece of set or was run over. Hmm, what do you guys think?


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