Sophie Turner Featured in May Issue of Nylon


Sophie Turner is featured in the May issue of Nylon Magazine. The magazine features her Game of Thrones costar, Maisie Williams on the cover.

In the interview, Sophie talks her X-Men: Apocalypse cast, what she would be doing if she wasn’t acting, her friendship with Maisie Williams, choosing to stay in London and not move to Los Angeles and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On her X-Men: Apocalypse cast: “It’s a really young cast now, a real party cast. A cast coordinator organized activities for us, and so the first time we met was at a Drake concert. We bonded so much. I consider them all my new best friends.”

On her friendship with Maisie: “I’ve always seen Maisie as this rebellious, cool kid, while I’m more passive-aggressive, or else just passive. I hate that about myself, and I love that Maisie is just who she is. We spent the past five years basically sharing a hotel room (even though we each had our own), having endless sleepovers, lots of line rehearsals, and lots of food and messing about, too.”

On choosing to stay in London: “I have a really good bullshit radar! Everyone in Los Angeles has an agenda. They want to make friends with you because of who you are. It’s like: ‘We’re famous! Let’s be friends!’ I’m like: ‘But I don’t even know you!’”

To read her full feature click here. Game of Thrones will return with new episodes this Sunday, April 24.

Source: Nylon

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