Selena Gomez Chats Staying Healthy, Routine & More in New Interview


Selena Gomez opened up to Yahoo Style in this new interview. Selena is currently touring North America on her Revival tour, but took the time out of her schedule to talk to them about staying healthy when she travels, her routine on tour, what she does before going onstage, what she does after a show and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On how she stays healthy when she travels: “The last two tours were just me and my band, and I would do my own hair and makeup. Now, in a way it’s harder because I have to be more disciplined. I know there are people that are good at that, but I’m not one of them! I mean it takes everything in me to be like, “Oh, I just ran for 10 minutes, I’m fine.” But now I’m grateful that I have my trainer, Amy Rosoff Davis, with me for the tour.”

On what she does before going onstage: “I like to be in my room. I don’t really run around too much. I tend to listen to relaxing music or do a little yoga. Oh, and I always say a prayer before going out onstage. I always do that. And I try to drink a lot of water — ideally a whole bottle before going o stage. I like to go onstage with a clear head.”

To read the full interview click here. I love that she still meets her fans after a show. Not many stars take the time to do that anymore, so kudos to Selena.

Source: Yahoo Style

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