Sarah Hyland Shows Off Her Ballet Moves For Beauty Coach

Sarah Hyland recently posed for Beauty Coach. The young actress showed off her ballet skills as she chatted about her upcoming projects, life, and beauty. Highlights from the interview are below.

On inner beauty: “To me, inner beauty means being a strong, kind, giving soul. Be compassionate, but don’t let people take advantage of you. Be forgiving, but don’t forget. Give back to the world, but don’t let anyone take too much of you.”

On advice she would give young girls: “Just be healthy and happy. Every woman is different… every person is! But, the most important person in your life is you. So stay healthy, be active, get happy! Do that and I promise all the facetuned, photoshopped pictures in the world won’t get you down.”

You can check out more from her interview here

Being on pointe is not easy. Good job, Sarah!

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