Stephen Amell Talks New Movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows


Stephen Amell recently opened up about his new movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of Shadows. Stephen takes on the role of hockey masked vigilante, Casey Jones.

In the interview, Stephen talks working on the movie, balancing Arrow and the movie, doing his own stunts and so much more. Check out the full interview below.

On working on the movie: “I found it to be one of the most collaborative invested sets that I’ve ever been on, just in terms of let’s make the best scene possible. And a couple of times we would put a scene on its feet, wouldn’t work, so we’d just go back to the drawing board, do it again, and come up with new things.

And I know for my character personally, I’d constantly have the writers and the director and the producers coming up to me and saying, cool, we got that. Let’s give this try. Let’s try a new line here, let’s try this there, and you’d be amazed”

On how he managed to balance his work on Arrow and his work on this movie: “My schedule for Arrow and the hiatus that I have is so brief and I think that the biggest miracle for me in this movie is just the fact that it actually fit into my schedule, because this is not Casey Jones Out of The Shadows, it was built and boarded and set long before I was cast in the role. So the fact that I was able to do it – it started five day after I wrapped season 3 of Arrow and I wrapped four days before I started season 4.”

On doing his own stunts: “I ended up doing every single stunt in the entire movie say for one stunt where I get ratcheted into a car, which I didn’t want to do nor would they let me do. But you know, I got to get to New York a little bit before we shot and I got to work with the stunt choreographer and the fight coordinator and build a fighting style for Casey Jones.

My first fight with the Foot Clan went so well that the director and the producers got together and they were just like Mel’s last fight with Bebop and Rocksteady needs to be bigger, and so they brought in a second unit director and an entire unit and we were out there at Pier 92 for five days just going wall to wall the entire time. And that sequence and that week of filming is probably the thing that I’m most proud of in my entire career. So it was really – I felt really grateful that they allowed me to do the physical side of Casey Jones.”

On who would win in a fight between Oliver Queen and Casey Jones:
“I feel like Casey Jones, Oliver Queen one on one, I don’t know, Casey’s unpredictable. But the forces in this move just purely from a budgetary standpoint would probably take down the forces in Starling City.

If we could afford the [PH] Tectadrone on our television show, then maybe it would be a fair fight but for now I would have to go with Krang and Baxter Stockman and Bebop and Rocksteady and Shredder at the Foot Clan and soldiers from another dimension in this case.”

On what his dormant animal would be:
“Giraffe. Cause I don’t want to be the dude that’d be like “I’m a lion,” so I picked giraffe, because everybody thinks about it for a little bit and goes, ah, that wouldn’t be half bad.”

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of Shadows will hit theaters tomorrow, June 3.

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