5 Questions We Have After Rewatching the Pretty Little Liars Pilot Episode


It’s been 6 years since Pretty Little Liars premiered on, ABC Family and in honor of its 6 year anniversary we decided to re-watch the pilot episode that aired on June 8, 2010.

The episode did a nice job of setting up the series and the characters we have come to know and love; however, even after 6 years, we still have a ton of questions unanswered. We narrowed down our list to 5:, which you will find listed below.

  1. Why was Aria’s time in Iceland never touched upon? It was mentioned here and there, but we never got details.

2.  What would Emily be like now if they hadn’t killed off Maya? She brought out such a great side of Emily that it would be interesting to see where that character would be now if the writers had decided to keep her around.

3.  Why was Aria the first to get an “A” text? No one knew that Aria was back in town, but “A” somehow knew and followed her to the bar, where she met Ezra.

4. Why did no one question why Ezra was at Ali’s funeral? We know now what his connection to her was, but he was not her teacher at the beginning. Shouldn’t the girls have found this a little suspicious?

5.  This question still boggles us to this day, why did the girls not tell their parents about the texts they were receiving? If someone is sending you threatening or weird texts, you tell someone. I mean if they had there would not have been a need for a show, but still.

Let us know what questions you still have from the pilot or if there are answers to our questions and we just missed them. Happy 6 years PLL!

UPDATE: It is now 2020 and we still have no answers!!!

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