Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift Clash Over Kanye West “Famous” Lyric


Kim Kardashian-West is featured on the cover of the newest issue of GQ magazine and Kim had some things to say about the recent Kanye West/Taylor Swift “Famous” debacle.

Kanye originally claimed Taylor gave the okay for her to be mentioned in his song, “Famous”, prior to its release. However, after the song was released, Taylor claimed she never heard the song and was never made aware of the lyric about her.

Fast forward to Kim’s recent interview with GQ. When asked if Taylor knew Kim told GQ, “She totally approved that. She totally knew that that was coming out. She wanted to all of a sudden act like she didn’t. I swear, my husband gets so much shit for things [when] he really was doing proper protocol and even called to get it approved. What rapper would call a girl that he was rapping a line about to get approval?”

Kim also revealed that the conversation was videotapped and Taylor’s team does not want them to release the proof.

However, Taylor’s team says this is not true. Taylor’s team released a statement to GQ, which you can read in its entirety below the jump. They say that Taylor and Kanye spoke prior to the release but only so Kanye could ask her to help promote it.

Taylor’s team also said, “Taylor cannot understand why Kanye West, and now Kim Kardashian, will not just leave her alone”.

What do you guys think of all of this?

Source: GQ

“Taylor does not hold anything against Kim Kardashian as she recognizes the pressure Kim must be under and that she is only repeating what she has been told by Kanye West. However, that does not change the fact that much of what Kim is saying is incorrect. Kanye West and Taylor only spoke once on the phone while she was on vacation with her family in January of 2016 and they have never spoken since. Taylor has never denied that conversation took place. It was on that phone call that Kanye West also asked her to release the song on her Twitter account, which she declined to do. Kanye West never told Taylor he was going to use the term ‘that bitch’ in referencing her. A song cannot be approved if it was never heard. Kanye West never played the song for Taylor Swift. Taylor heard it for the first time when everyone else did and was humiliated. Kim Kardashian’s claim that Taylor and her team were aware of being recorded is not true, and Taylor cannot understand why Kanye West, and now Kim Kardashian, will not just leave her alone.”

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