Rowan Blanchard Clears Up Girl Meets World Rumors


Rowan Blanchard took to her Twitter last night, August 1, to clear up rumors regardingto her Disney Channel show, Girl Meets World. The rumors claimed there are fake friendships between Rowan and some of her cast mates.

Rowan quickly wrote a note letting her fans know this is all a lie and that she is “confused as to why someone can stoop to such a low level to try and ruin the life of someone they don’t personally” know. She reassured fans by reminding them the entire cast loves one another and they have been hugging and reminiscing the entire week since it is the last week of Season 3 filming.

Kudos to Rowan for saying something! This must have been such a hard thing to hear, let alone process, especially with this being possibly the last week of filming ever for the show.

People have got to remember that words hurt.

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