Taylor Swift Donates to Louisiana’s Flood Relief


Taylor Swift has donated $1 million to Louisiana for their flood relief fund! Torrential storms hit the state hard this past Friday, August 12 and did not stop causing many homes and businesses to be destroyed and families to be uprooted from their homes.

More than 40,000 homes were affected by the flooding, which is being called some of the worst flooding ever seen in the state. Taylor told the Associated Press this morning, August 16, “We began The 1989 World Tour in Louisiana, and the wonderful fans there made us feel completely at home. The fact that so many people in Louisiana have been forced out of their own homes this week is heartbreaking,”.

Taylor went on to say, “I encourage those who can to help out and send your love and prayers their way during this devastating time,”. If you would like to donate to the relief or find other ways to help out click here.

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