Get Back to School w/ These Movies & TV Episodes


With school back in session or school just around the corner for some, we wanted to recommend 5 movies and 5 TV episodes we think will best get you ready for the new year.

To all those back at school or are on their way back GOOD LUCK! Make a new friend, try something new, and don’t be afraid to be yourself. You are going to rock this year and if it is your last year of school before college or your last year in college make sure you have a blast.


Easy A
The Duff
Mean Girls
10 Things I Hate About You
She’s All That

TV Episodes

Girl Meets World-“Girl Meets High School Part 1 & 2″
The Vampire Diaries- “Pilot
Pretty Little Liars- “Miss Me x 100”
Glee- “The New Rachel”
Hannah Montana- “Me and Rico Down by the Schoolyard”

Source: CW/Disney Channel/Freeform/FOX

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