Happy Birthday Liam Payne!


Happy Birthday, Liam Payne! Today, August 29, marks Liam’s 23 rdbirthday and what an amazing year it has been for the young star.

Liam spent the beginning of his last year wrapping up his duties with One Direction. The group released their final album and performed for the very last time towards the end of 2015 before taking on a break. Liam also began a new relationship with Cheryl Cole and begun work on his upcoming solo material with Capital Records UK.

This upcoming year will be far more relaxing than his previous ones. The young star will continue his break away from One Direction and focus on his own solo career. Hopefully in his 23rd year he will release his debut album for our listening pleasure.

From all of us here at BeautifulBallad, we want to wish Liam a very happy birthday!

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