Miley Cyrus Teams with Pacific Wild to Save Grizzly Bears

Today we are excited to launch a new initiative! With the help of @MileyCyrus (make sure you turn that 🔊on!) our aim is to spread the word that despite the new ban on trophy hunting, bears in British Columbia are still being hunted via a loophole that allows hunters to claim them as food. Head to SAVEBCBEARS.ORG where you can get involved by signing a petition, making a donation, and recording your very own version of this song to share via social media. The combined pressure of hunting, habitat fragmentation, urbanization and other human-caused disturbance has already removed grizzly bears from considerable portions of their traditional habitat in B.C. Join the #SAVEBCBEARS movement as we continue to fight until we can finally say that grizzly bears in B.C. will no longer be hunted!!!

A post shared by Pacific Wild (@pacificwild) on

Miley Cyrus has teamed with Pacific Wild on their new initiative to help save grizzly bears in British Columbia. The organization took to their Instagram to share the new partnership.

Miley can be heard in the Instagram post singing a new tune created specifically for this new initiative. Pacific Wild urges you to go to SAVEBCBEARS.ORG to get “involved by signing a petition, making a donation, and recording your very own version of this song to share via social media.”

Miley previously worked with Pacific Wild in 2015 when she visited British Columbia to help end B.C.’s wolf cull.

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