Elle Fanning and Camila Cabello Join Aja Naomi King On the Cover of Glamour

Elle Fanning and Camila Cabello are on the cover of Glamour Magazine. Elle and Camila are on the cover of the magazine’s April issue, which is also their “Beauty” issue, and are joined by How to Get Away With Murder star, Aja Naomi King.

In the issue, the ladies chat about beauty, the women in their lives, sexualization and so much more. Hightlights from their interview can be found below.

Elle on being in the magazine’s “Beauty Issue”: “Well, beauty is not just what you look like from the outside. I’ve certainly experienced not feeling super confident. I was home-schooled until third grade. In fourth grade I went to a regular school, and it was the first time I had been in a classroom with kids my age, so I was a little freaked out. My hair is actually really curly, so I got it blown out straight, and I wore contacts—my eyes are terrible—and this one boy came to me on the playground and said, “You’re so beautiful. I’m going to marry you!” Whatever. Then the next day I washed my hair, so it was curly, and wore my glasses. And he told me, “I’m not going to marry you anymore.” I’m like, What? All because of physical appearance? Heartbreaking.”

Elle on if she felt sexualized at a young age: “No, I always had really good people around me, making sure that didn’t happen. They were sometimes overprotective. But I did have my first kiss onscreen, for the film Ginger & Rosa. I was 13 and trying to hide that it was my first kiss. But the director knew. So they pulled out this giant binder of guys from casting, and I had to pick one. It was one scene, his name was Max. And I picked him.”

Camila on having to look a certain way when she joined Fifth Harmony: “Yeah, sometimes, especially with social media. I don’t like when things just get so focused on being pretty for girls my age: “Oh, she’s so pretty, and this is so pretty, why can’t I be pretty like her?” You don’t get to improve yourself or your life when you’re just thinking about looks, looks, looks, looks. Social media is a huge part of that because you’re constantly seeing these unrealistic images of girls. I think it’s so important to be silly and fun and to be able to post a picture without makeup, because that’s normal. With me just starting my solo career, I can present myself the way that I want to.”

Camila on what she has learned from the women who surround her: “For my mom and all the [women] in our family, it’s about doing whatever you need to do to feel good about yourself. For instance, we have our beauty secrets: You crack open an egg, take out the yolk, put the white on your face, and let it dry up to close up your pores. I also do this honey mask—it gets really hot and moisturizes your skin. And we’re into putting oil all over your body and doing hair masks.”

To read their full interview click here. I love that they are on the cover.

Source: Glamour

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