Help Maisie Williams Launch Her New Documentary Searching For Chinook

🌊So here we go!🌊 Over the last few years, at one point or another, you’ve probably seen (or heard) me banging on about orcas or dolphins and their wellbeing. Today I can announce that, between myself and my orca buddy Alex, we are going to make a documentary. It will be both challenging and cheerful but, most importantly, we’ll be answering one baffling question… WHERE’S ALL THE BLOODY SALMON? We have a kickstarter page should you like to donate (I’ve come to realise that no matter who you are and whatever position you’re in, documentaries aren’t easy or cheap to make 😅) if not, your support and a follow on our official page would be just as helpful to us. SEARCHING FOR CHINOOK. 🐠🐟🐬🐳🐋

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Maisie Williams is creating her own documentary! The young actress is teaming up with her dear friend Alexandra Johnston for a documentary, Searching For Chinook, centered on the endangered Southern Resident Orcas of the Salish sea and their depleting food source, Chinook Salmon.

Maisie has been a huge advocate for the protection of these creatures for the past few years and has been very vocal about it on social media. Now, she is asking fans to help her get her documentary off the ground in order to bring light to this issue. You can learn more about Maisie’s documentary and how you can donate here.

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