Ariana Grande Pens Love Letter to LGBTQ Community


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Ariana Grande shared her love letter to the LGBTQ community with Billboard today, June 1. Billboard reached out to the singer and other pop culture stars to ask them to share their letters with them.

Ariana started off the letter by saying, “There is nothing more infectious than the joy and love that the LGBTQ community exudes.” Ariana goes on to talk about her brother, Frankie, her visits to gays bars in NYC during her Broadway days and having her music embraced by the community.

She ends the letter saying, “I am eternally indebted to and inspired by the LGBTQ community. I hope to create anthems for you that wrap you up with comfort and make you get your best life for as long as I live. Thank you for celebrating me the way I celebrate you. I love you forever.”

To read her full letter click here. I love her letter and I love that Billboard did this. Happy Pride!

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