REVIEW: Ocean’s Eight Is The Perfect Easygoing Summer Flick

The Oceans franchise is back in a big way. Headlined by Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway and more Oceans 8 is a breath of fresh air. Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock), sister of fellow con, Danny, has spent the past five years serving her time in a New Jersey prison and planning her biggest heist. Now free, she quickly reunites with her partner Lou, (Cate Blanchett), to kick off her plan. Debbie and Lou put together a team of women, some from Debbie and Lou’s previous con life and others new to their world. Together they aim to tackle the Met Gala and steal one fabulous Cartier necklace with maybe a touch of revenge on the side.

Sandra Bullock is wickedly funny as Debbie Ocean. The level of ease with which Sandra plays Debbie allows the audience to be charmed by the con artist, you want her to succeed. Cate Blanchett’s portrayal of Lou is delectable and the two play so well together. Add in Sarah Paulson as the current housewife and former partner of Debbie (whose performance is stellar), Mindy Kaling as a talented jewelry maker (also delightful), and Helena Bonham Carter as an eccentric designer who many consider past her prime and you have a cast filled with such talent it’s a joy to watch on screen.

But there’s more. Anne Hathaway as celebrity Daphne Kluger is so incredibly enjoyable and filled with so much cheese audiences can’t help but be entertained, Rihanna as a hacker (not tasked with too much but does well with what she has) and Awkwafina, a hysterical thief add in some younger zest to the flick.

With a film with this much talent director Gary Ross does a wonderful job of making sure no performance is lost. Each actor has her moments throughout the film that let her flex and shine. However, it’s the scenes where they’re all together that are best. It is evident this cast had such fun with this film and it would be a real shame if a sequel wasn’t immediately greenlit.

Ocean’s 8 is not a reboot of any kind. It is a wonderful addition to the Ocean’s franchise that is refreshing and fun. This is in no way a recreation of previous Ocean’s films and that’s a good thing. For fans of the franchise there are enough Easter Eggs throughout that will allow them to feel as though they are welcoming home an old friend and there’s enough spark of new that will leave audiences wanting more.

Grade: A

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