Lucy Hale Covers The New Issue Of Haute Living

Lucy Hale is on the cover of the new issue of Haute Living. The young actress is on the cover to promote the series finale of her CW show, Life Sentence. Highlights from her issue are below.

On finding herself after the end of Pretty Little Liars: “It’s been really fun, but [taxing] to find an identity outside of my public persona. For a while, that’s who I thought I was. I thought I had to live up to certain expectations, of who people expected me to be. It was miserable trying to keep up with that and keep up a perfect image.” She pauses, then adds, “I’ve had to let that go.”

On social media: “It’s almost like a disease. We’re all so addicted to it, and to what other people are saying. Honestly, I know it sounds cheesy to say that social media was affecting my happiness, but it really was. It was important for me to disconnect from that, to put down my phone occasionally and live the life around me.”

On her love of Los Angeles: “All my childhood dreams came true here. I grew up here, became an adult here and figured out who I was. I feel like I can be myself here.”

You can check out more from Lucy’s interview here.

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