Demi Lovato To Apparently Enter Rehab After Release From Hospital

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Demi Lovato has apparently agreed to going to rehab after she is released to from the hospital. The young singer, who has struggled with sobriety for the past six years, was transported to the hospital a little over a week ago after over dosing on an unknown substance.

According to TMZ, “Sources with direct knowledge tell us, Demi’s family has squarely raised the issue of rehab with her … something they delayed for days because of the many complications resulting from the OD.”

The site went onto say that, “We’re told she’s still at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, but one source says, ‘She’s getting out any day now.’ Our sources say there will be no transition … it’s right from Cedars to a live-in rehab facility.”

Keep strong, Demi!

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