Normani Kordie Chats About Her New Music With L’Officiel USA

Normani Kordei is featured in the September issue of L’Officiel USA. The young actress chatted with the media outlet about her upcoming solo music. Highlights are below.

On her performance at the BIllboard Music Awards: “Everybody was sitting on the edge of their seats watching, waiting to see what I was gonna do. So there was pressure there definitely, but I don’t know, there’s just a fire that is lit any time I’m onstage. I worked my butt off for the last six years and this was the moment that I prepared for, so I gave it my all and I kind of blacked out. I still watch it now and I can’t believe that’s me because in general, every day, that’s not the person that I am offstage. I’m super shy and more laid-back. But that was a different side.”

On recording her new album: “The most important thing about coming out with this debut album is just representation and making sure that people get a sense of the city that I grew up in, New Orleans. It made me and shaped me into the woman that I’ve become, morally, and my family is from here. This is really where my roots stem from and I am everything that the city makes up, so I definitely wouldn’t have chosen any other place to record and kind of [get] zen…because for this project, the sounds that I want to incorporate are heavily influenced by the city. So I flew the songwriters and the producers down and they’re having the time of their lives. I can’t wait for everybody else to hear it, and we have a few surprises, too.”

You can check out even more from her interview here.

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