Lili Reinhart Opens Up About Dreams & Fashion While Modeling H&M’s New Studio Collection

Lili Reinhart recently chatted with H&M after modeling their latest collection titled, H&M Studio. The young actress joined the brand for the Met Gala this past May as their celebrity guest and the relationship progressed from there. Highlights from her interview are below.

On fashion: “Fashion has become increasingly more important to me within the past few years. A while ago I realized that I was holding onto a lot of pieces from when I was a teenager… and they made me feel juvenile when I wore them. I had to make an executive decision to say goodbye to older pieces and revamp my closet. I wanted to feel like a woman with a confident sense of style in everything that I wore, not just when I had the energy to style an outfit on a night out. That meant investing in signature pieces— great boots, nice jeans, a leather jacket— that would help give my daily style more edge and sophistication.”

On three dreams to check off her list: “I want to see the wisteria tunnels in Japan. I’ve always wanted to play piano. I want to take my mother to Paris.”

You can check out even more from the interview here.

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