REVIEW: The Star Burns Bright With A Star Is Born

A Star Is Born is a musical retelling of the 1937 film of the same name. Directed by Bradley Cooper, this modern twist is the tale of musician, and alcoholic, Jackson Maine (Cooper) and upcoming pop talent Ally (Lady Gaga) as they struggle with the dangers of fame and their love for one another. The story kicks off as every romantic tale does, with Jackson stumbling upon Ally singing at a bar. He hears her sing, is captivated and falls in love. He’s so in love he takes her on the road with him.

The couple’s lives take a turn when Ally’s star begins to burn brighter than Jackson’s. The higher Ally climbs the faster Jackson’s falls. For Jackson, it feels like every good thing coming Ally’s way causes one more bad thing to slam into his life. The toll of this roller coaster ride impacts their relationship to the point where one wonders why these two stayed with one another.

Cooper does a wonderful job to showcase the lovely, tiny moments occurring in the relationship, whether it be a simple look or a stunning duet between the pair. As with most intense relationships highlighted by glitz and glamour, the twosome feels like they need one another to survive. Without spoiling anything, Cooper’s take on the climatic scene is indicative of his talent as a director and how one singular image can resonate throughout an audience.

It’s hard to ignore that it’s Lady Gaga playing the film’s leading lady, Ally, especially when she shows off her vocals. Gaga captivates the audience with more than just her singing voice. Her ability to quickly change a light hearted moment into a panic inducing wreck is flawless. Her chemistry with Cooper is exactly what you would want between two lovestruck celebrities facing the highs and lows of Twinkletown. There is a sense of ease and comfortability found between the pair that is truly wonderful to see.

Cooper as the once popular country crooner struggling to get up in the morning is solid, as well. But this is Lady Gaga’s shining moment. A Star Is Born was remade in 1954 starring Judy Garland and then remade again in 1976 with Barbra Streisand as the lead. With two icons previously helming the role this could have been a daunting task for Gaga yet she handles her turn as Ally with believability, grace, and fire.

A Star Is Born is a good film that will certainly do well this awards season. The acting and story are strong, but it is the music that propels this film beyond what it could have been. Definitely worth seeing this season.

Grade: A-

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