REVIEW: Venom is a Flashback to the Past

Sony Pictures’ focus for the last few years was rebooting the Spider-Man series, now they have selected a new path. Sony has now set their sights on a different Spider-Man character, Venom. Originally a Spider-Man villain, Sony’s Venom looks at Venom’s origin story and removes Spider-Man entirely.

Venom is the story of Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy), a well known reporter who loses his job after trying to bring down Life Foundation founder, Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed). Drake is using his Life Foundation to test a new symbiotic species on the homeless population of San Francisco. Drakes claims to be creating a better human, but when Eddie comes in contact with one of the symbiotic species his life is changed forever.

The movie is in such a rush to get Eddie and Venom together that by the time they do, the audience has forgotten why the duo is destroying things to begin with. However, Tom Hardy’s comedic timing as Eddie helps make up for some of the slack. Hardy brings a lightheartedness to the character, even when Eddie’s struggling to cope with his newfound friend.

Michelle Williams as Anne, Eddie’s girlfriend and a local district attorney. She is a nice addition to Hardy’s Eddie. There is one scene in particular towards the end of the movie that will definitely put a smile on audiences’ faces. Riz Ahmed as the movie’s villain, Carlton Drake does a decent job, but making Drake more sinister would’ve helped lift the character.

Venom is a good movie, but it felt a little out of place in the current Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story’s decent and the cast is A+, but it had an early Marvel feel to it. Most of the film feels like it’s from the early 2000s, including the CGI and soundtrack. If it had been released during the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man era it’d feel less out of place. In a time where audience members are still feeling the effects of Thanos’ snap, Venom is in a world of its own.

Venom won’t be for everyone and, for those who aren’t diehard Marvel fans, hold off on seeing it. Fans of the Spider-Man universe and diehard Marvel fans should go check it out. For those planning on seeing the movie, make sure to stay for the credits. Like most Marvel movies, there are post credit scenes, a notable one that will have people talking as they leave the theater.

Grace: B

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