BB Exclusive: Mason Ashley Talks her New Single “Show and Tell”

Mason Ashley may not be a name you recognize right now, but it definitely will be in the very near future. The singer-songwriter just released her new single, “Show and Tell” and the is definitely a must listen for all.

In honor of the release of her music video, we had the chance to chat with her about the video, her dream collaborations, her style of music, and so much more. Check it out below!

Tell us a little about yourself and your new single “Show and Tell”?

“Hi! I’m Mason Ashley, I’m 20 years old. I have been writing songs and doing music for over 10 years now and I’m still in love with it like it’s the very first day. “Show and Tell” is a very honest and personal song that is so close to my heart. It goes out to anyone that has felt like they have almost lost themselves in the wake of someone else’s wrongdoing. It’s about getting through the hurt and coming out the other side stronger.”

Was there an inspiration behind the song? If so, what was it?

“’Show and Tell’ is a song inspired by one of the first times in my life that I really felt heartbreak. I was sixteen when I wrote the song and it still relates to me now. It’s about the in between stage of trying make everyone believe you’re okay, and finally being okay. I think that if you’ve been hurt before, you can relate to this song. It is a song about heartbreak and strength, loss and empowerment.”

What was the inspiration behind the music video?

“We wanted the video to be a visual representation of what emotions we go through during heartbreak as people, and especially as women. The music video is full of real women lip syncing the song and bringing their own story and emotion to it. They all had a different take on the song and really brought their own soul and passion to the video. They bring the lyrics to life in a way that even I didn’t expect and I feel that all the different faces and stories coming together really gives the viewer an insight into the picture I wanted to paint when I wrote the song.”

You can read the rest of the interview under the jump. Make sure to take a listen to the song above and let us know what you think!

Did you have any creative input while on set of the music video?

“I got to co-direct the video which was a first for me. It was so fun being behind the camera and watching it all come together…but to be honest, the women in the video were the ones that made video come to life. They all brought their own natural ability and creativity to the project and it made directing very easy.”

I love that you described your music as what you feel like writing, what you are feeling in that moment. Why did you decide to go down that route rather than picking a specific genre?

“Thank you! I don’t think it was a conscious decision to avoid choosing a specific genre.. I just fell in love with the idea of music being a reflection of who I am at any moment in time. When I was younger, most of my songs were bright and simple and sweet and the older I’ve gotten the more the style has completely changed… the songs have gotten more personal and more complex along with who I am as a person. It’s cool to look back and listen to a song I wrote 5 years ago and hear a completely different sound than what I write now. Each song is like a page in a diary for me.”

You were influenced by Bob Dylan’s writing style, what about it influenced you?

“I think being a 13-year-old girl with all my friends listening to boy bands, there was something magical about discovering Bob Dylan at that age. It was like a new world of songwriting for me. He writes so honestly and isn’t some incredible singer, so he doesn’t have vocal riffs to hide behind. It’s just raw and truthful and all about the lyrics.”

Do you have plans to release a second EP anytime soon?

“I am planning on releasing an EP soon… I can’t say much about it right now but follow me on Instagram @themasonashley and Twitter @masonashleymusic to keep up with release date and more exciting news!”

Do you have any dream collaborations?

“I would love to collab with The 1975 or Wallows. They are probably my favorite bands right now and I would love to even just have a jam session or hang out with them.”

Are you planning on going on tour this year?

“I don’t have plans to go on tour this year but I’m definitely open to the idea in the near future!”

What else can fans expect from you for the rest of this year?

“I don’t plan on releasing anymore original songs this year but fans can expect a brand new music video and single in January of 2019!”

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