Katherine McNamara Covers The December Issue Of Tilted Magazine

Katherine McNamara is on the cover of the December issue of Tilted magazine. The young actress is on the cover to promote the final few episodes of her hit show, Shadowhunters. Highlights from her interview are here.

On creativity: “I am of the mind that creativity is the drive of humanity to better itself and overcome the challenges of the human condition. In an obvious sense, I deal in creativity every day for a living. One of my favorite aspects of acting is just that – the creativity involved in inventing a person to exist in a world and fill out between the lines of the why behind the what that happens in the plot. However, I don’t think creativity is limited to artists. Architects, politicians, business people, mathematicians, doctors all use creativity on a day to day basis to innovate around any problems they encounter and find new solutions. That is how we grow as individuals and ultimately as a species by questioning the world we are given and daring to think outside the proverbial box.”

On personal style: “I think personal style is of utmost importance. Not that you have to be “on trend” or “stylish” by any defined terms, but simply that it is an opportunity to express yourself and decide how you present yourself to the world. Clothing and fashion is a way to show the world who you are on the inside without saying a word. The possibilities are endless and the freedom is limitless. Think about the icons of fashion, they didn’t try to conform to anyone else’s image of them – they defined their personality, their place in the world, their point of view simply with the clothes they wore. So go for it! Be your own fashion icon.”

You can check out even more from her interview and photos from it here.

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