Casey Cott Poses For GQ Magazine

Casey Cott is featured in a new article for GQ. The young Riverdale actor partnered with Banana Republic for the shoot, where he spoke about fame, acting, and more. Highlights are below.

On how Riverdale has changed his life: “I don’t think there’s any sense of all the things that come along with [being on a show like Riverdale] unless you’ve experienced them yourself. It has blown my mind. I never thought I’d be doing photoshoots, or going to a GQ party with all of these amazing actors. But I’ve learned it can be so much fun. And meeting people, which I get to do a lot through the madness around Riverdale has been my favorite part”.

On fashion: “I’ve learned about the details. Like how a high hem can change your suit. A tailored jacket is going to make you look so much better. Getting the tie knitted just perfectly—all those details. Like, tonight I’m not wearing a belt because it makes the monochromatic colors pop a little more. It’s all of those things that people much wiser than I am have taught me.”

You can check out even more from his interview, including photos, here.

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