Marsai Martin Opens Up About Her New Film Little

Marsai Martin spoke with Essence recently about her new film, Little. The actress will be playing Regina Hall’s character’s younger self after she is given the chance to relive a moment in the past when adulthood became too much to bear. Highlights from her interview are below.

On her character Jordan: “She’s a butthole, but no one really says anything because she’s the boss. She might cut you.”

On filming: “I was very comfortable [on set] because they were my people. Working on a bunch of sets, you kind of don’t see that often. The more comfortable you are, the more confident you are — in how you say your lines or how you perform in a certain scene because you’re working with great people, who will watch over you and won’t let you down.”

On hoping for teens to dream bigger after the release of Little: “You don’t really see a 14-year-old girl creating her own stuff and actually making it into theaters. That’s why you have to start working with people that will trust you and will believe that you can do it and will trust that you can carry…such a big responsibility.”

You can check out even more from Marsai’s interview here. Little opens in theaters on April 12.

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