BB Exclusive: Fola Evans-Akingbola Teases What’s to Come for Maddie in Season 2 of Siren

Tomorrow, January 24, Siren will return for it’s second season on Freeform. In honor of the premiere, we sat down with the amazing Fola Evans-Akingbola, who plays Maddie, to talk about what is to come in tomorrow’s premiere.

In our interview, we talk what is in store for Maddie this season, her relationship with her Mom, the arrival of the mermaids, her relationship with Ben and so much more. Check it out below.

What’s in store for Maddie in the second season?
“What’s in store for Maddie is, she is pushed so far out of her comfort zone, if she wasn’t already out of her comfort zone. I think what’s nice this season is that they’ve [Maddie and Ben] been friends, fell off their balance. And they have to really grow into their situation, which is very exciting. On top of that, even though there’s some whole mermaid thing going on, what’s really fun for Maddie is the audience then will get to explore her family dynamic a lot more because her mom comes back. That really grounds this season. A lot of the characters that we’re dealing with have interesting personal dynamics which we can all relate to.”

Can you go into a little bit more detail about what her relationship with her Mom is going to be like this season?
“Maddie’s mom is a real sore spot for her because she’s been in and out of her life and she wasn’t present in Season 1, and that kind of says it all. Maddie has to deal with the difficulty of how much she loves her mom, but then is constantly disappointed by her and deeply hurt by her, whilst at the same time having to deal with these supernatural creatures. Without giving too much away, that’s definitely the tension in Maddie’s life, in her personal life.”

Is there any connection between her mom’s return and the mermaids coming to town?
“I don’t know? Maybe it is a coincidence, maybe it’s not. I can’t speak on that!”

You can read the rest of our interview with her under the jump. Make sure to check out the premiere tomorrow night and check BeautifulBallad on Friday, January 25 for Part 2 of our interview with Fola.

Photo credit: Freeform/Ed Herrera

What about her relationship with Ben?
“What’s great is we start this season, obviously where we left off. Maddie and Ben are in quite a rocky place in their relationship, and yet, because they’ve all three [Maddie, Ryn and Ben] been through such a transformative experience, there’s sort of no going back. They’re the only ones that understand what each other has been through, and that bonds the three of them. Maddie and Ben, we see that they can’t deny that. They can’t deny that bond they have, whether or not I can say what happens with that bond, you’ll have to wait and see, but it’s definitely undeniably there. They have to, through various situations, work with each other, and then be confronted with their feelings for each other.”

What is Maddie’s reaction going to be when the mermaids come to Bristol Cove?
“Maddie has no chance to even breathe, there’s no chance to even try to understand it or take control of it. Maddie, maybe not even that deep down, is quite a control freak. She really likes to be in control of things, so that everything’s in order, and there is no controlling the mermaids. She has to put her trust in Ryn, who is the leader. She’s the all-powerful matriarch, so it certainly affects Maddie.

Is there something this season that you’re really excited for fans to see? A relationship grow? A certain episode?
“Yeah! I’m very sorry, I’m thinking of all the things that I wish I could say, but I can’t because you have to wait and see. What I will say is that I’m definitely looking forward to the second batch of episodes in Season 2. There are 16 episodes, so from episode eight and onwards, they really go deep into the rabbit hole, Maddie and Ben. People are going to be very excited for that. This episode that we’re shooting, episode 12, I’m very excited for people to see it.”

*This interview has been edited for clarity and length*

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