Ariana Grande Responds To GRAMMY Producer’s Comments About Pulling Out Of The GRAMMYs

Ariana Grande has spoken out about the recent comments made about her decision to pull out of the GRAMMYs. Earlier this week, it was announced that Ariana would not be taking part of appearing at the show due to creative differences.

However, the GRAMMYs’ producer Ken Ehrlich went onto release a statement that the they tried to get Ariana to pull something together for the show Sunday night, but she “felt it was too late for her to pull something together”. The producer went on to say that it was too bad that she wouldn’t be able to perform.

Ariana quickly took to Twitter to respond to the allegations being spread. She tweeted, “i’ve kept my mouth shut but now you’re lying about me. i can pull together a performance over night and you know that, Ken. it was when my creativity & self expression was stifled by you, that i decided not to attend. i hope the show is exactly what you want it to be and more.”

Ariana then went on to Tweet, “i offered 3 different songs. it’s about collaboration. it’s about feeling supported. it’s about art and honesty. not politics. not doing favors or playing games. it’s just a game y’all.. and i’m sorry but that’s not what music is to me.”

I am glad that Ariana has spoken up about this.

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