REVIEW: The 3B Premiere of Shadowhunters is a Must See

After 9 months of waiting Shadowhunters’ fans can rejoice as tonight, February 25, Freeform airs the Season 3B premiere. Picking up a mere three days after the Season 3A finale, work has resumed at the Institute. However, not everything is back to business for our favorite characters. A number of them (no spoilers) have been drastically affected by what happened in the finale and the others are trying to find a way to balance what happened and what they need to do to move on.

Dominic Sherwood (Jace), Harry Shum Jr.(Magnus), and Alberto Rosende (Simon) are three of the standouts from this episode. Their characters are dealing with what happened much differently than the others, but the reactions are spot on for their characters. Sherwood, Shum, and Rosende stepped up their games for this episode and set an exciting tone for their characters for the rest of the season. There is a scene between Dominic and Matthew Daddarrio that is so beautifully executed it’ll be hard to not tear up by the end of it.

The groundwork for the final 12 episodes is laid out in this episode so make sure to pay attention from start to finish. Questions are answered but new questions will emerge. It is a must-see episode for Shadowhunters fans and well worth the 9 month wait.

Grade: A-

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