Lana Condor Covers The April Issue Of Elle Canada

Lana Condor is on the cover of the April issue of Elle Canada. The young actress is on the cover to promote her series, Deadly Class. Highlights from her interview are below.

On her first starring role in X-Men: Apocolaypse: “I had never been in front of a camera before. I didn’t know anything. I thought you had to pay for crafty [food on-set]. I didn’t even know how to hit a mark!”

On taking on the role of Lara Jean in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: “One of the reasons I took To All the Boys was because it’s just a story about a girl who falls in love for the first time. She’s the girl next door who happens to be Asian. Like, that’s not the focus of it because we’re normal fucking human beings.”

You can check out even more from her interview here.

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