Meet Lobo in the New Trailer for Krypton Season 2

SyFy has released the official promo for the second season of Krpyton. The new trailer features are first look at the new season’s villian, Lobo and the rise of Zod.

For those who do not know who Lobo is, according to SyFy, Lobo is “A ruthless bounty hunter, who murdered his entire species, he possesses a genius level intellect when it comes to matters of warfare, making him a deadly adversary. Imbued with superhuman strength, and virtually immortal,

Lobo will keep coming until the job is finished. His word is the only thing Lobo holds sacred; and although he’ll never violate the letter of an agreement, he might disregard its spirit from time to time!”

The new season will premiere June 12! Are you guys excited for the new season?

Source: SyFy

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