The Toy Story RV Rolls into Washington, DC

The Toy Story RV came riding through Washington, DC this past Thursday, June 13. Filled with a variety of carnival games for children of all ages, families from all over the DC area came out to enjoy a little fun with the Toy Story gang before the RV rolled on to its next city.

Brand Ambassadors, Brian and Amanda, were on hand to answer any questions attendees may of had while on site and to help promote the new Pixar movie, Toy Story 4. During our visit we had a chance to chat with Amanda about the Toy Story RV.

We asked her how she and Brian became involved in this 20 city tour and she said, “Disney came to us, not us personally but the company we work for, and said, ‘Hey, we have Toy Story 4 coming out, we would love to do something because Go RVing partnered with us. We would love to make a collaboration.’ So then my company said ‘Let’s do a summer road trip.’ And then, Brian and I fell into it, and we’re like of course we’d like to travel the country for free. Why not get paid to do it?”

But how does a RV connect fans to the new movie and that was an easy answer for Amanda. “In the movie Bonnie and her family go on a summer road trip in an RV. So that’s what we’re doing, and so I hope people feel a little bit more a part of the universe.” And connected they do. “Everybody is just super stoked to be a part of it, replied Amanda. The response has been amazing.”

When asked what the most popular attraction had been so far at the RV, Amanda responded, “So far it’s been the photo booth with Forky I’d have to say. That’s always our longest line.” But the main reason everyone is stopping by is for Toy Story 4 and Amanda is one of the lucky few who has already seen the movie. Since she had seen it she shared her own review saying, “Fantastic. Incredible. Amazing. It’s just as good as the first three. It’s just as emotional, adventurous, and I think people are going to love it.”

There are still a few more cities left on the tour before it wraps in July, so make sure to check it out and make sure to check out Toy Story 4 when it hit theaters on June 21!

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