Ariana Grande Stuns On The Cover Of Vogue Magazine

Ariana Grande is on the cover of the new issue of Vogue magazine. The young singer is on the cover to promote the release of her music video for “In My Head”, which she debuted on Vogue. Highlights from her interview are below.

On the difficulties of touring this time around: “I was researching healing and PTSD and talking to therapists, and everyone was like, ‘You need a routine, a schedule”. Of course because I’m an extremist, I’m like, OK, I’ll go on tour! But it’s hard to sing songs that are about wounds that are so fresh. It’s fun, it’s pop music, and I’m not trying to make it sound like anything that it’s not, but these songs to me really do represent some heavy shit.”

On performing at Coachella: “I never thought I’d even go to Coachella. I was always a person who never went to festivals and never went out and had fun like that. But the first time I went was to see Malcolm perform, and it was such an incredible experience. I went the second year as well, and I associate…heavily…it was just kind of a mindfuck, processing how much has happened in such a brief period.”

On training her voice: “I learned how to make it sound like I was belting and being loud without actually belting and being loud. The voice is expensive, and if you’re spending it properly, you’ll be able to keep spending it.”

You can check out even more from Ariana’s interview here.

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